Board Job Descriptions



Being welcoming and approachable as the “face” of the Guild. Handling the unexpected with grace. Delegating to others to avoid burnout.

Responsible for:

  • Setting tone and tenor for the Guild
  • Organizing and presenting monthly Guild meetings
  • Fielding questions from guild members
  • Monitoring and responding to Guild email, delegating as appropriate
  • Organizing and running monthly Board meetings
  • Appointing Committee Chairs

Time commitment: 2-4 hours a week

Vice President


Being welcoming and approachable. Handling the unexpected with grace. Delegating to others to avoid burnout.

Responsible for:

  • Running monthly membership meeting and/or board meeting if the president is unable to
  • Assist with monitoring and responding to guild email
  • Bringing ideas, enthusiasm, additional perspectives to board discussions/decisions
  • Overseeing the review of Guild Bylaws and Standing Rules as needed
  • Learning how the guild is run and how the technology systems work, in preparation for (hopefully) running for President the following year

Time commitment:

  • 1 Board meeting/month
  • Occasionally 1-2 hrs/month for other tasks



Loves the details, great on follow through, understands/willing to learn the details of our finances and 501(c)3 requirements

Responsible for:

  • Maintaining Guild financial records
  • Disbursing funds as authorized
  • Filing appropriate legal and regulatory forms
  • Preparing budget for Board approval

Time commitment:

  • 1 Board meeting/month
  • Occasionally 2-4 hrs/month for other tasks



Able to distill the important points into a summary, willing to do quick turnaround on minutes to enable posting promptly

Responsible for:

  • Preparing minutes of general meetings to be linked to the meeting recaps
  • Preparing minutes of Board meetings

Time commitment:

  • 1 board meeting per month

  • 1 hour, twice monthly, to prepare minutes (general meeting and Board meeting)

    Membership Director


    Is a people-person, loves to engage with new members, social connector, good on timely follow through

    Responsible for:

    • Monitor e-mail regularly (ideally, daily)  for new member applications. Approve in Wild Apricot system.
    • Draft/update welcome emails for new members.  
    • Distribute pins and nametag logos to new members
    • Respond to queries regarding membership
    • Interface with MQG to ensure that new members are added to MQG roster and lapsed members are removed from MQG files
    • Manage sign-in sheets at in-person meetings
    • Arrange sign-in sheets for virtual attendees.  
    • Prepare membership report for each board meeting; update membership slides for monthly Guild meeting.

    Time commitment:

    • 1 board meeting per month

    • 1-2 hours per week

    Programs Director(s)


    Excited to be choosing the speakers for meetings, detail oriented and good with follow through. Works well when tasks divided between two people, ie, one very tech savvy to handle the event set up in Wild Apricot and other systems, one more people oriented to engage with potential speakers.

    Responsible for:

    • Organizing programs for guild meetings
      • Reach out to potential instructors
      • Handle contracts with instructors and venues
    • Organize workshops (virtual and in-person)
      • Set up registration, send out supply lists, reminders
      • Determine pricing (target approximate breakeven)
    • Organize sew-ins (virtual and in-person)

    • Contract and plan overnight and day-only retreats
      • Determine pricing
      • Set up registration
      • Oversee committee managing retreat activities (i.e., massage therapist, possible venders, set up, clean up, social activities)

    Time commitment:

    • 1 board meeting/month, weekly Program Directors meetings
    • 2-4 hours/week

    Communications Director


    Good with social media (Facebook, Instagram), likes to start conversations, comfortable managing the digital presence of the guild.

    Responsible for:

    • Posting content to Guild social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, others as appropriate)
    • Collect photos from meetings, events
    • Highlight Guild members’ publications, awards
    • Ensure appropriate permissions to share
    • Use scheduling apps to set up posts in batches, if desired
    • Monitor Guild social media for comments and queries, forward to appropriate Board members for responses

    Time commitment:

    • 1 board meeting/month

    • 1 hr/week

    Copyright 2024 Seattle Modern Quilt Guild

    "Seattle Modern Quilt Guild" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software