Year of Doubles BOM: February 2022

From the Block of the Month committee: Shannon Mitchell, Emily Keller, & Bonnie Mitchell

Snail's Trail block:

Welcome to Block #1 of our Year of Doubles Block of the Month. This month we are making a Snail's Trail block.

For your traditional block, here are 2 approaches to piece it:

 Let's start looking at the traditional block, and a couple ideas for re-interpretation, by each of the BOM committee members:

  • Emily pieced her traditional block intending it to be for her Christmas Quilt so chose classic red and white. Her second block experimented with different color placement, and she's calling it "Santa starts with S"

Traditional block (1st block) 

Re-interpreted block (2nd block)

  • Shannon's second block accentuated the wonky angles.

Traditional block (1st block) 

Re-interpreted block (2nd block)

  • Bonnie went for a bold look with lots of patterned fabrics for her second block.

Traditional block (1st block) 

Re-interpreted block (2nd block)

Be careful! Learn from this "whoops!"

My take away from this block? Go slow and pay attention to your placement of those triangles! As Shannon found out in her first try at this month’s block, things can get wonky pretty fast if you put one in the wrong place. 

As you can see, in the end it all turned out OK! Way to go, Shannon!

Tutorial for using FPP

Snail's Trail block inspiration ideas:

  • Check out the Seattle MQG's "Year of Doubles BOM" Pinterest board for loads of ideas!
  • Bold or monochromatic colors: Black and white? Shades of the same color? Only neutrals? 
  • Scale: Shave that snail tail (the red part) down to a thin sliver, can you make it super skinny? 
  • Layout: Do you need 2 tails? What about only 1? 3? 
  • Negative Space: How would it change the block to only go 2-3 triangles in? Or to start the “tails” out later in the block? 
  • Wonky or ruler-free cutting: Go wild and just start cutting! 
  • Fabric choices (crumbs, textured fabrics, etc.): How would the quilt feel with a velvet for the “tails”? Or minky? 
  • Minimalism: All white and use your quilting to make the “trail”? 
  • Asymmetry: Focus on one “tail” or set the block on point so it looks like something new 
  • Fussy Cutting: Can you make a trail of tiny animals marching out along your trail?

Other Sizes:

Want your blocks larger or smaller than 12”? Here are some other size options:

Join the BOM Sew-in:

  • There is a sew-in specifically for BOM participants on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 7-9pm. 
  • If you're not already registered, you can find the BOM Sew-in on the Calendar of Everything, and register to attend!

BOM 2022 schedule:

Share your progress!

Tag on Instagram to share your BOM progress: 

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LAST MONTH: January 2022 BOM

NEXT MONTH: March 2022 BOM

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